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Amster, Pablo Gustavo
"Solutions to a stationary nonlinear Black-Scholes type equation" (2002) Amster, P.; Averbuj, C.G.; Mariani, M.C. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 276(1):231-238
"Existence of solutions for elliptic systems with critical Sobolev exponent" (2002) Amster, P.; De Nápoli, P.; Mariani, M.C. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations. 2002:XXCV-XXCVI
"Dirichlet and periodic-type boundary value problems for Painlevé II" (2002) Mariani, M.C.; Amster, P.; Rogers, C. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 265(1):1-11
"A fixed point operator for a nonlinear boundary value problem" (2002) Amster, P.; Mariani, M.C. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 266(1):160-168