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"Identification and characterization of a high-affinity choline uptake system of Brucella abortus" (2013) Herrmann, C.K.;Bukata, L.;Melli, L. (...)Comerci, D.J. Journal of Bacteriology. 195(3):493-501
"Identification and characterization of a high-affinity choline uptake system of Brucella abortus" (2013) Herrmann, C.K.;Bukata, L.;Melli, L. (...)Comerci, D.J. Journal of Bacteriology. 195(3):493-501
"Choline reverses scopolamine-induced memory impairment by improving memory reconsolidation" (2012) Blake, M.G.;Boccia, M.M.;Krawczyk, M.C. (...)Baratti, C.M. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 98(2):112-121
"Structural and functional properties of hydration and confined water in membrane interfaces" (2008) Disalvo, E.A.;Lairion, F.;Martini, F. (...)Gordillo, G.J. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes. 1778(12):2655-2670
"Mixed nicotinic-muscarinic properties of the α9 nicotinic cholinergic receptor" (2000) Verbitsky, M.; Rothlin, C.V.; Katz, E.; Belén Elgoyhen, A. Neuropharmacology. 39(13):2515-2524
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"Isorhamnetin 3-o-robinobioside from Gomphrena martiana" (1982) Buschi, C.A.; Pomilio, A.B. Journal of Natural Products. 45(5):557-559
"Nucleotides and sugar nucleotides in early development of Bufo arenarum. Coelomic oocytes" (1977) Cantore, M.L.; De Recondo, M.E.F.; Recondo, E.F. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 180(2):269-275