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Chaotic dynamics
"Time scales of a chaotic semiconductor laser with optical feedback under the lens of a permutation information analysis" (2011) Soriano, M.C.;Zunino, L.;Rosso, O.A. (...)Mirasso, C.R. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 47(2):252-261
"Universal response of quantum systems with chaotic dynamics" (2010) Wisniacki, D.A.; Ares, N.; Vergini, E.G. Physical Review Letters. 104(25)
"Characterization of spatiotemporal chaos in an inhomogeneous active medium" (2004) Bouzat, S.; Wio, H.S.; Mindlin, G.B. Trends in Pattern Formation: Stability, Control and Fluctuation. 199(1-2):185-193
"Wavelet statistical complexity analysis of the classical limit" (2003) Kowalski, A.M.;Martin, M.T.;Plastino, A. (...)Rosso, O.A. Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics. 311(2-3):180-191
"Inferring liquid chaotic dynamics in bubble columns" (2001) Cassanello, M.;Larachi, F.;Kemoun, A. (...)Dudukovic, M.P. Chemical Engineering Science. 56(21-22):6125-6134
"Inferring liquid chaotic dynamics in bubble columns" (2001) Cassanello, M.;Larachi, F.;Kemoun, A. (...)Dudukovic, M.P. Chemical Engineering Science. 56(21-22):6125-6134
"A model of structural disorder in (Ba2-Cu2-O4+x)/ (Ca-Cu-O2)n superlattices" (2000) Pasquini, G.;Balestrino, G.;Lavanga, S. (...)Tebano, A. International Journal of Modern Physics B. 14(25-27):2719-2724