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coastal sediment
"Textural and compositional characterization and provenance analysis of beach sediments in golfo nuevo, chubut province " (2017) Bunicontro, M.P.;Marcomini, S.C.;Weiler, N.E. (...)Quenardelle, S. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 74(2):207-222
"Morphosedimentary changes caused by the construction of a groin in Camet Norte, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina " (2016) Medina, R.A.; Martínez, A.L.; Mormeneo, L.; Richiano, S.M. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 73(2):270-279
"Iron-sulfur-phosphorus cycling in the sediments of a shallow coastal bay: Implications for sediment nutrient release and benthic macroalgal blooms" (2002) Rozan, T.F.;Taillefert, M.;Trouwborst, R.E. (...)Luther, G.W., III Limnology and Oceanography. 47(5):1346-1354