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Cognition Disorders
"Alzheimer disease and cognitive impairment associated with diabetes mellitus type 2: Associations and a hypothesis " (2014) Domínguez, R.O.;Pagano, M.A.;Marschoff, E.R. (...)Serra, J.A. Neurologia. 29(9):567-572
"Alzheimer disease and cognitive impairment associated with diabetes mellitus type 2: Associations and a hypothesis " (2014) Domínguez, R.O.;Pagano, M.A.;Marschoff, E.R. (...)Serra, J.A. Neurologia. 29(9):567-572
"Emerging pharmacotherapy of tinnitus" (2009) Langguth, B.; Salvi, R.; Elgoyhen, A.B. Expert Opinion on Emerging Drugs. 14(4):687-702
"Cognitive and motor features in elderly people with bipolar disorder" (2008) Martino, D.J.;Igoa, A.;Marengo, E. (...)Strejilevich, S.A. Journal of Affective Disorders. 105(1-3):291-295
"Congenital mirror movements. Three new cases of a rare condition " (1999) Ruggieri, V.; Amartino, H.; Fejerman, N. Revista de Neurologia. 29(8):731-735
"Prevalence and correlates of dysthymia and major depression among patients with Alzheimer's disease" (1995) Migliorelli, R.;Teson, A.;Sabe, L. (...)Starkstein, S.E. American Journal of Psychiatry. 152(1):37-44