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cold air
"Changes in temperature extremes for 21st century scenarios over South America derived from a multi-model ensemble of regional climate models" (2016) López-Franca, N.;Zaninelli, P.G.;Carril, A.F. (...)Sánchez, E. Climate Research. 68(2-3):151-167
"Synoptic patterns associated with the highest wind-waves at the mouth of the Río de la Plata estuary" (2013) Dragani, W.C.;Cerne, B.S.;Campetella, C.M. (...)Campos, M.I. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans. 61-62:1-13
"Origin of convectively coupled Kelvin waves over South America" (2009) Liebmann, B.;Kiladis, G.N.;Carvalho, L.M.V. (...)Allured, D. Journal of Climate. 22(2):300-315
"Atmospheric circulation associated with persistent generalized frosts in Central-Southern South America" (2007) Müller, G.V.; Berri, G.J. Monthly Weather Review. 135(4):1268-1289
"Surface circulation associated with frost in the wet pampas" (2003) Müller, G.V.; Compagnucci, R.; Nunez, M.N.; Salles, A. International Journal of Climatology. 23(8):943-961
"A diagnostic study of cold-air outbreaks over South America" (2000) Vera, C.S.; Vigliarolo, P.K. Monthly Weather Review. 128(1):3-24