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cholesterol blood level
"Chronic hyperprolactinemia evoked by disruption of lactotrope dopamine d2 receptors impacts on liver and adipocyte genes related to glucose and insulin balance" (2016) Luque, G.M.;Lopez-Vicchi, F.;María Ornstein, A. (...)Becu-Villalobos, D. American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism. 311(6):E974-E988
"Obesity induced by cafeteria diet disrupts fertility in the rat by affecting multiple ovarian targets" (2015) Bazzano, M.V.;Torelli, C.;Pustovrh, M.C. (...)Elia, E.M. Reproductive BioMedicine Online. 31(5):655-667
"Atheroprotective remodelling of vascular dermatan sulphate proteoglycans in response to hypercholesterolaemia in a rat model" (2014) Oberkersch, R.;Maccari, F.;Bravo, A.I. (...)Calabrese, G.C. International Journal of Experimental Pathology. 95(3):181-190
"Adiponectin and waist circumference as predictors of insulin-resistance in women" (2014) Bonneau, G.A.; Pedrozo, W.R.; Berg, G. Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research and Reviews. 8(1):3-7
"Cardiovascular effects of tibolone: A selective tissue estrogenic activity regulator" (2007) Campisi, R.; Marengo, F.D. Cardiovascular Drug Reviews. 25(2):132-145
"Argentine multicenter evaluation of fluvastatin in the treatment of patients with hypercholesterolemia" (1997) Buzzi, A.P.; Pastore, M.A. Current Therapeutic Research - Clinical and Experimental. 58(12):1013-1028