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Complex networks
"Synthesis, crystal structure and magnetic properties of diaquabis(2,6-diamino-7H-purin-1-ium-κN9)bis(4,4′-oxydibenzoato-κO)cobalt(II) dihydrate" (2018) Atria, A.M.;Parada, J.;Moreno, Y. (...)Peña, O. Acta Crystallographica Section C: Structural Chemistry. 74(1):37-44
"Conformational and structural diversity of iridium dimethyl sulfoxide complexes" (2017) Ridgway, B.M.;Foi, A.;Corrêa, R.S. (...)Di Salvo, F. Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials. 73(6)
"Quiz games as a model for information hiding" (2016) Bank, B.;Heintz, J.;Matera, G. (...)Rojas Paredes, A. Journal of Complexity. 34:1-29
"Quantum walk topology and spontaneous parametric down conversion" (2016) Puentes, G. Optical and Quantum Electronics. 48(2):1-11
"A full operational semantics for asynchronous relational networks" (2015) Vissani, I.;Pombo, C.G.L.;Jose, J.L.F. (...)Diaconescu, R. 22nd International Workshop on Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques, WADT 2014. 9463:131-150
"Electromechanical characterization of piezoelectric polymer thin films in a broad frequency range" (2014) Gonzalez, M.G.; Sorichetti, P.A.; Brazzano, L.C.; Santiago, G.D. Polymer Testing. 37:163-169
"Modeling the evolution of item rating networks using time-domain preferential attachment" (2012) Lavia, E.F.;Chernomoretz, A.;Buldú, J.M. (...)Balenzuela, P. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos. 22(7)
"Modeling the evolution of item rating networks using time-domain preferential attachment" (2012) Lavia, E.F.;Chernomoretz, A.;Buldú, J.M. (...)Balenzuela, P. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos. 22(7)
"Significance of complex analysis of electrical activity in temporal lobe epilepsy: Electrocorticography " (2012) Palmigiano, A.; Pastor, J.; Sola, R.G.; Ortega, G.J. Revista de Neurologia. 55(4):207-216
"A framework to approach problems of forensic anthropology using complex networks" (2011) Caridi, I.; Dorso, C.O.; Gallo, P.; Somigliana, C. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 390(9):1662-1676
"A framework to approach problems of forensic anthropology using complex networks" (2011) Caridi, I.; Dorso, C.O.; Gallo, P.; Somigliana, C. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 390(9):1662-1676
"Dengue epidemics and human mobility" (2011) Barmak, D.H.; Dorso, C.O.; Otero, M.; Solari, H.G. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 84(1)
"Analyzing complex networks evolution through Information Theory quantifiers" (2011) Carpi, L.C.; Rosso, O.A.; Saco, P.M.; Ravetti, M.G. Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics. 375(4):801-804
"Community detection in networks" (2010) Dorso, C.O.; Medus, A.D. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos. 20(2):361-367
"Community detection in networks" (2010) Dorso, C.O.; Medus, A.D. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos. 20(2):361-367
"Analysis and models of bilateral investment treaties using a social networks approach" (2010) Saban, D.; Bonomo, F.; Stier-Moses, N.E. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 389(17):3661-3673
"Analysis and models of bilateral investment treaties using a social networks approach" (2010) Saban, D.; Bonomo, F.; Stier-Moses, N.E. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 389(17):3661-3673
"Alternative approach to community detection in networks" (2009) Medus, A.D.; Dorso, C.O. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 79(6)
"The brain: What is critical about it?" (2008) Chialvo, D.R.; Balenzuela, P.; Fraiman, D. International Conference on Collective Dynamics: Topics on Competition and Cooperation in the Biosciences, BIOCOMP2007. 1028:28-45
"Alloy Analyzer+PVS in the analysis and verification of Alloy specifications" (2007) Frias, M.F.; Lopez Pombo, C.G.; Moscato, M.M. 13th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, (TACAS 2007). 4424 LNCS:587-601