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Crude oil
"A combined rock-magnetic and EPR study about the effects of hydrocarbon-related diagenesis on the magnetic signature of oil shales (Vaca Muerta formation, southwestern Argentina)" (2019) Costanzo-Álvarez, V.;Rapalini, A.E.;Aldana, M. (...)Walther, A.M. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering:861-879
"Superhydrophobic plasma polymerized nanosponge with high oil sorption capacity" (2019) Torasso, N.;Trupp, F.;Arias Durán, A. (...)Goyanes, S. Plasma Processes and Polymers. 16(3)
"Characterization of oil complex hydrocarbon mixtures by HSQC-NMR spectroscopy and PCA" (2013) Rios, S.M.; Barquín, M.; Nudelman, N.S. Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry
"Assessment of the distortions caused by a pipe and an excavation in the electric and electromagnetic responses of a hydrocarbon-contaminated soil" (2012) Martinelli, H.P.; Robledo, F.E.; Osella, A.M.; De la Vega, M. Journal of Applied Geophysics. 77:21-29
"Assessment of the distortions caused by a pipe and an excavation in the electric and electromagnetic responses of a hydrocarbon-contaminated soil" (2012) Martinelli, H.P.; Robledo, F.E.; Osella, A.M.; De la Vega, M. Journal of Applied Geophysics. 77:21-29
"Natural attenuation of oil spills in Patagonian soils. Characterization by 1H NMR spectroscopy" (2008) Ríos, S.M.; Nudelman, N.S. Environmental Technology. 29(1):23-33
"Multilayer sorption model for the interactions between crude oil and clay in Patagonian soils" (2005) Ríos, S.M.; Nudelman, N.S. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology. 26(1):19-25
"Study of the chemical composition of seed and seed oil of cichorium intybus L. " (1996) Nolasco, S.M.; Quiroga, O.; Wiese, B.; Vigo, M.S. Grasas y Aceites. 47(6):377-380