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crustal shortening
"Andean foreland evolution and flexure in NW Argentina: Chaco-Paraná Basin" (2014) Prezzi, C.B.; Götze, H.-J.; Schmidt, S. Tectonophysics. 628:228-243
"Repeated eastward shifts of arc magmatism in the Southern Andes: A revision to the long-term pattern of Andean uplift and magmatism" (2011) Folguera, A.; Ramos, V.A. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 32(4):531-546
"Structural evolution of a composite middle to lower crustal section: The Sierra de Pie de Palo, northwest Argentina" (2011) Mulcahy, S.R.;Roeske, S.M.;McClelland, W.C. (...)Vujovich, G.I. Tectonics. 30(1)
"Structural evolution of a composite middle to lower crustal section: The Sierra de Pie de Palo, northwest Argentina" (2011) Mulcahy, S.R.;Roeske, S.M.;McClelland, W.C. (...)Vujovich, G.I. Tectonics. 30(1)
"Reinterpretation of the Ordovician rotations in NW Argentina and Northern Chile: A consequence of the Precordillera collision?" (2011) Spagnuolo, C.M.; Rapalini, A.E.; Astini, R.A. International Journal of Earth Sciences. 100(2):603-618
"Stratigraphy and structure of the río Borbollón area, Mendoza " (2009) Mescua, J.F.; Ramos, V.A. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 65(1):111-122
"Model for Andean orogenic volume variation and shortening in the 20°-46°S sector " (2005) Pose, F.A.; Spagnuolo, M.; Folguera, A. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 60(4):724-730
"Cenozoic tectonics of the high Andes of west-central Argentina (30-36°S latitude)" (1996) Ramos, V.A.; Cegarra, M.; Cristallini, E. Tectonophysics. 259(1-3 SPEC ISS):185-200
"Crustal shortening, root spreading, isostasy, and the growth of orogenic belts: a dimensional analysis" (1989) Gratton, J. Journal of Geophysical Research. 94(B11):15627-15634