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Convergence of numerical methods
"Numerical approximation of equations involving minimal/maximal operators by successive solution of obstacle problems" (2018) Agnelli, J.P.; Kaufmann, U.; Rossi, J.D. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 342:133-146
"Stability and release of an encapsulated solvent-free lycopene extract in alginate-based beads" (2017) Aguirre Calvo, T.R.; Busch, V.M.; Santagapita, P.R. LWT - Food Science and Technology. 77:406-412
"Encapsulation of lactase in Ca(II)-alginate beads: Effect of stabilizers and drying methods" (2017) Traffano-Schiffo, M.V.; Castro-Giraldez, M.; Fito, P.J.; Santagapita, P.R. Food Research International. 100:296-303
"New applications of M-matrix methods to stability of high-order linear delayed equations" (2016) Amster, P.; Idels, L. Applied Mathematics Letters. 54:1-6
"Effect of Aqueous Phase Composition on Stability of Sodium Caseinate/Sunflower oil Emulsions" (2013) Huck-Iriart, C.; Pizones Ruiz-Henestrosa, V.M.; Candal, R.J.; Herrera, M.L. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 6(9):2406-2418
"Structures and stability of lipid emulsions formulated with sodium caseinate" (2011) Huck-Iriart, C.; Álvarez-Cerimedo, M.S.; Candal, R.J.; Herrera, M.L. Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science. 16(5):412-420
"An hp finite element adaptive scheme to solve the Laplace model for fluid-solid vibrations" (2011) Armentano, M.G.; Padra, C.; Rodríguez, R.; Scheble, M. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 200(1-4):178-188
"Quantization-based integration methods for delay-differential equations" (2011) Castro, R.; Kofman, E.; Cellier, F.E. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory. 19(1):314-336
"Stability of emulsions formulated with high concentrations of sodium caseinate and trehalose" (2010) Álvarez Cerimedo, M.S.; Iriart, C.H.; Candal, R.J.; Herrera, M.L. Food Research International. 43(5):1482-1493
"Incomplete oblique projections for solving large inconsistent linear systems" (2008) Scolnik, H.D.; Echebest, N.; Guardarucci, M.T.; Vacchino, M.C. Mathematical Programming. 111(1-2):273-300
"Topologically continuous associative memory: A theoretical foundation" (2007) Segura, E.C. 3rd Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IICAI 2007:112-131
"The best Sobolev trace constant in a domain with oscillating boundary" (2007) Fernández Bonder, J.; Orive, R.; Rossi, J.D. Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications. 67(4):1173-1180
"A quasilinearization method for elliptic problems with a nonlinear boundary condition" (2007) Amster, P.; De Nápoli, P. Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications. 66(10):2255-2263
"Calculation of the fourth-rank nuclear magnetic hypershielding of some small molecules" (2006) Pagola, G.I.; Caputo, M.C.; Ferraro, M.B.; Lazzeretti, P. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 74(2)
"State-dependent learned valuation drives choice in an invertebrate" (2006) Pompilio, L.; Kacelnik, A.; Behmer, S.T. Science. 311(5767):1613-1615
"Nonlinear response of the benzene molecule to strong magnetic fields" (2005) Pagola, G.I.; Caputo, M.C.; Ferraro, M.B.; Lazzeretti, P. Journal of Chemical Physics. 122(7)
"Computation of a generalized Nordsieck integral" (2005) Bustamante, M.G.; Miraglia, J.E.; Colavecchia, F.D. Computer Physics Communications. 171(1):40-48
"Climatology of the low-level jet east of the Andes as derived from the NCEP-NCAR reanalyses: Characteristics and temporal variability" (2004) Marengo, J.A.; Soares, W.R.; Saulo, C.; Nicolini, M. Journal of Climate. 17(12):2261-2280
"BEC Dynamics with Fluctuations: Beyond HFB Approximation" (2004) Rey, A.M.;Hu, B.L.;Calzetta, E. (...)Clark, C. Laser Physics. 14(2):318-330
"Error estimates for low-order isoparametric quadrilateral finite elements for plates" (2003) Durán, R.G.;Hernández, E.;Hervella-Nieto, L. (...)Rodríguezh, R. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis. 41(5):1751-1772
"Weak solutions for the derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation" (2002) Rial, D.F. Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications. 49(2):149-158
"A class of optimized row projection methods for solving large nonsymmetric linear systems" (2002) Scolnik, H.; Echebest, N.; Guardarucci, M.T.; Vacchino, M.C. Applied Numerical Mathematics. 41(4):499-513
"An example of a computable absolutely normal number" (2002) Becher, V.; Figueira, S. Theoretical Computer Science. 270(1-2):947-958
"On the resolution of the optical rotatory power of chiral molecules into atomic terms. A study of hydrogen peroxide" (2002) Ligabue, A.; Lazzeretti, P.; Béccar Varela, M.P.; Ferraro, M.B. Journal of Chemical Physics. 116(15):6427-6434
"Formulation of subgrid stresses for large-scale fluid equations" (2001) Minotti, F.O.; Dasso, S. Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics. 63(3)
"Numerical evaluation of Appell's F1 hypergeometric function" (2001) Colavecchia, F.D.; Gasaneo, G.; Miraglia, J.E. Computer Physics Communications. 138(1):29-43
"Continuity of optimal values and solutions for control of Markov chains with constraints" (2000) Tidball, M.M.; Lombardi, A.; Pourtallier, O.; Altman, E. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization. 38(4):1204-1222
"Necessary conditions for the existence of multivariate multiscaling functions" (2000) Cabrelli, C.A.; Heil, C.; Molter, U.M. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 4119(1):395-406
"Mathematical modelling of flow towards an oil well" (1999) Jacovkis, P.M.; Savioli, G.B.; Bidner, M.S. Proceedings of the 1998 4th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (IV WCCM). 46(9):1521-1540
"Computer solution of the scattering problem for a groove in a metallic plane using the modal method" (1998) Ruedin, A.M.C.; Skigin, D.C.; Vaillancourt, R. Computers and Mathematics with Applications. 35(11):98-119
"Classification of SAR images based on estimates of the parameters of the gA0 distribution" (1998) Chomczimsky, W.;Mejail, M.;Jacobo-Berlles, J.C. (...)Dougherty E.R. Mathematical Modeling and Estimation Techniques in Computer Vision. 3457:202-208
"A comparison of iterative multi-level finite element solvers" (1998) Jouglard, C.E.; Coutinho, A.L.G.A. Computers and Structures. 69(5):655-670
"Parameter estimation in acoustic media using the adjoint method" (1998) Fernández-Berdaguer, E.M. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization. 36(4):1315-1330
"Adaptive stabilization of time-varying discrete-time linear systems" (1996) Troparevsky, M.I. Automatica. 32(1):129-131
"Universal formulation for the N-body problem" (1996) Zadunaisky, P.E.; Giordano, C.M. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics. 19(4):921-928
"Monotone discrete Newton iterations and elimination" (1995) Milaszewicz, J.P. Computers and Mathematics with Applications. 30(1):79-90