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"Analysis of Cost-Aware Policies for Intersection Caching in Search Nodes" (2017) Feuerstein, E.; Tolosa, G. 32nd International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society, SCCC 2013:4-7
"Assessing the usefulness of online message board mining in automatic stock prediction systems" (2017) Gálvez, R.H.; Gravano, A. Journal of Computational Science. 19:43-56
"Meta-heuristic based autoscaling of cloud-based parameter sweep experiments with unreliable virtual machines instances" (2017) Monge, D.A.; Pacini, E.; Mateos, C.; García Garino, C. Computers and Electrical Engineering
"Autoscaling scientific workflows on the cloud by combining on-demand and spot instances" (2017) Monge, D.A.; Gari, Y.; Mateos, C.; Garino, C.G. Computer Systems Science and Engineering. 32(4):291-306
"Quantum work and the thermodynamic cost of quantum measurements" (2016) Deffner, S.; Paz, J.P.; Zurek, W.H. Physical Review E. 94(1)
"A branch-and-price algorithm for the (k,c)-coloring problem" (2015) Malaguti, E.; Méndez-Díaz, I.; José Miranda-Bront, J.; Zabala, P. Networks. 65(4):353-366
"Advanced oxidation technologies – Sustainable solutions for environmental treatments" (2014) Litter, M.I.; Candal, R.J.; Meichtry, J.M. Advanced Oxidation Technologies - Sustainable Solutions for Environmental Treatments. 9:1-351
"Truthful Stochastic and deterministic auctions for sponsored search" (2008) Feuerstein, E.; Heiber, P.A.; Mydlarz, M. Proceedings of the Latin American Web Conference, LA-WEB 2008:39-48
"State-dependent learned valuation drives choice in an invertebrate" (2006) Pompilio, L.; Kacelnik, A.; Behmer, S.T. Science. 311(5767):1613-1615
"Development of a PLS based method for determination of the quality of beers by use of NIR: Spectral ranges and sample-introduction considerations" (2005) Iñón, F.A.; Llario, R.; Garrigues, S.; De La Guardia, M. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 382(7):1549-1561
"Energy decompositions according to physical space partitioning schemes" (2005) Alcoba, D.R.; Torre, A.; Lain, L.; Bochicchio, R.C. Journal of Chemical Physics. 122(7)
"Detection of community structures in networks via global optimization" (2005) Medus, A.; Acuña, G.; Dorso, C.O. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 358(2-4):593-604
"Thermal treatment of the minority game" (2002) Burgos, E.; Ceva, H.; Perazzo, R.P.J. Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics. 65(3)
"Unconstrained duals and their use in achieving all-uses coverage" (1996) Marré, M.;Bertolino, A.;Tracz W. (...)ACM Special Interest Group on Software Engineering (SIGSOFT) 1996 ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, ISSTA 1996:147-157