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Cylindrical geometry
"Stationary Vortices and Pair Currents in a Trapped Fermion Superfluid" (2015) Capuzzi, P.; Hernández, E.S.; Szybisz, L. Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 179(3-4):142-157
"Development of a coaxial-stacked trielectrode plasma curtain" (2011) Grondona, D.; Allen, P.; Kelly, H. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science. 39(6 PART 2):1466-1469
"Magnetic clouds: A statistical study of magnetic helicity" (2005) Gulisano, A.M.; Dasso, S.; Mandrini, C.H.; Démoulin, P. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. 67(17-18 SPEC ISS):1761-1766
"The Magnetic Helicity of an Interplanetary Hot Flux Rope" (2003) Dasso, S.;Mandrini, C.H.;Démoulin, P. (...)Malara F. 10th International Solar Wind Conference. 679:786-789
"Ground state and thermal properties of a lattice gas on a cylindrical surface" (2002) Calbi, M.M.; Gatica, S.M.; Bojan, M.J.; Cole, M.W. Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics. 66(6):7