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Desert Climate
"Subterranean Desert Rodents (Genus Ctenomys) Create Soil Patches Enriched in Root Endophytic Fungal Propagules" (2019) Miranda, V.;Rothen, C.;Yela, N. (...)Fracchia, S. Microbial Ecology. 77(2):451-459
"Subterranean Desert Rodents (Genus Ctenomys) Create Soil Patches Enriched in Root Endophytic Fungal Propagules" (2019) Miranda, V.;Rothen, C.;Yela, N. (...)Fracchia, S. Microbial Ecology. 77(2):451-459
"Transcriptome modulation during host shift is driven by secondary metabolites in desert Drosophila" (2016) De Panis, D.N.;Padró, J.;Furió-Tarí, P. (...)Hasson, E. Molecular ecology. 25(18):4534-4550
"Transcriptome modulation during host shift is driven by secondary metabolites in desert Drosophila" (2016) De Panis, D.N.;Padró, J.;Furió-Tarí, P. (...)Hasson, E. Molecular ecology. 25(18):4534-4550
"Fossil pollen records indicate that Patagonian desertification was not solely a consequence of Andean uplift" (2014) Palazzesi, L.;Barreda, V.D.;Cuitiño, J.I. (...)Ventura Santos, R. Nature Communications. 5
"Effect of climatic variables on seasonal morphological changes in the testis and epididymis in the wild rodent Microcavia australis from the andes mountains, Argentina" (2010) Velez, S.;Sassi, P.L.;Borghi, C.E. (...)Fornés, M.W. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology. 313 A(8):474-483
"Effect of climatic variables on seasonal morphological changes in the testis and epididymis in the wild rodent Microcavia australis from the andes mountains, Argentina" (2010) Velez, S.;Sassi, P.L.;Borghi, C.E. (...)Fornés, M.W. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology. 313 A(8):474-483
"Evapotranspiration under advective conditions" (2005) Figuerola, P.I.; Berliner, P.R. International Journal of Biometeorology. 49(6):403-416
"Evapotranspiration under advective conditions" (2005) Figuerola, P.I.; Berliner, P.R. International Journal of Biometeorology. 49(6):403-416
"An eco-epidemiological study of contamination of soil with infective forms of intestinal parasites" (2004) Thevenet, P.S.;Ñancufil, A.;Oyarzo, C.M. (...)Basualdo, J.A. European Journal of Epidemiology. 19(5):481-489