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drug mixture
"Odorant mixtures elicit less variable and faster responses than pure odorants" (2018) Chan, H.K.;Hersperger, F.;Marachlian, E. (...)Nowotny, T. PLoS Computational Biology. 14(12)
"Electronic tongue for simultaneous detection of endotoxins and other contaminants of microbiological origin" (2010) Heras, J.Y.; Pallarola, D.; Battaglini, F. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 25(11):2470-2476
"Electronic tongue for simultaneous detection of endotoxins and other contaminants of microbiological origin" (2010) Heras, J.Y.; Pallarola, D.; Battaglini, F. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 25(11):2470-2476
"Microbial dehalogenation of polychlorinated biphenyls in aerobic conditions" (2004) Aráoz, B.; Viale, A.A. Revista Argentina de Microbiologia. 36(1):47-51
"A Monte Carlo study of mixtures of charged and neutral polymers in solution" (2001) Irurzun, I.M.; Matteo, C.L. Macromolecular Theory and Simulations. 10(9):802-807
"In vitro and in vivo activity of eugenol on human herpesvirus" (2000) Benencia, F.; Courrges, M.C. Phytotherapy Research. 14(7):495-500
"Color formation due to non-enzymatic browning in amorphous, glassy, anhydrous, model systems" (1999) Schebor, C.; Buera, M.D.P.; Karel, M.; Chirife, J. Food Chemistry. 65(4):427-432
"Effect of progesterone on the spontaneous motility and prostaglandin synthesis in uterine horns isolated from ovariectomized rats" (1982) Franchi, A.M.; Bonacossa, A.; Gimeno, M.F.; Gimeno, A.L. Prostaglandins. 23(6):819-832