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Dipole moment
"A dynamic look on molecular symmetry" (2017) Barón, M.; Bain, A.D.; Conde, R.S. Canadian Journal of Chemistry. 95(7):736-743
"Formulation of the twisted-light-matter interaction at the phase singularity: The twisted-light gauge" (2015) Quinteiro, G.F.; Reiter, D.E.; Kuhn, T. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 91(3)
"Structural transitions and dipole moment of water clusters (H 2 O) n=4-100" (2010) Gelman-Constantin, J.;Carignano, M.A.;Szleifer, I. (...)Corti, H.R. Journal of Chemical Physics. 133(2)
"Gated electron transfer of Yeast Iso-1 cytochrome c on self-assembled monolayer-coated electrodes" (2008) Feng, J.-J.;Murgida, D.H.;Kuhlmann, U. (...)Weidinger, I.M. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 112(47):15202-15211
"Isomerization, melting, and polarity of model water clusters: (H2O)6 and (H2O)8" (1999) Rodriguez, J. Journal of Chemical Physics. 110(18):9039-9047