Lista de

Dirichlet boundary condition
"Energy dependent potential problems for the one dimensional p-Laplacian operator" (2019) Koyunbakan, H.; Pinasco, J.P.; Scarola, C. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications. 45:285-298
"On Dirichlet two-point boundary value problems for the Ermakov–Painlevé IV equation" (2015) Amster, P.; Rogers, C. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing. 48(1-2):71-81
"Dynamic Programming Principle for tug-of-war games with noise" (2012) Manfredi, J.J.; Parviainen, M.; Rossi, J.D. ESAIM - Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations. 18(1):81-90
"An asymptotic mean value chara cterization for a class of nonlinear parabolic equations related to tug-of-war games" (2010) Manfredi, J.J.; Parviainenf, M.; Rossi, J.D. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis. 42(5):2058-2081
"Limits as p (x) → ∞ of p (x)-harmonic functions" (2010) Manfredi, J.J.; Rossi, J.D.; Urbano, J.M. Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications. 72(1):309-315
"Multiple solutions for the p-Laplace operator with critical growth" (2009) De Nápoli, P.L.; Bonder, J.F.; Silva, A. Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications. 71(12):6283-6289