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dissolved oxygen
"Are cyanobacteria total, specific and trait abundance regulated by the same environmental variables?" (2018) Frau, D.; Pinto, P.D.T.; Mayora, G. Annales de Limnologie. 54
"Relevance of the Paraná River hydrology on the fluvial water quality of the Delta Biosphere Reserve" (2016) Puig, A.; Olguín Salinas, H.F.; Borús, J.A. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 23(12):11430-11447
"GIS-based pollution hazard mapping and assessment framework of shallow lakes: Southeastern Pampean lakes (Argentina) as a case study" (2013) Romanelli, A.; Esquius, K.S.; Massone, H.E.; Escalante, A.H. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 185(8):6943-6961
"GIS-based pollution hazard mapping and assessment framework of shallow lakes: Southeastern Pampean lakes (Argentina) as a case study" (2013) Romanelli, A.; Esquius, K.S.; Massone, H.E.; Escalante, A.H. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 185(8):6943-6961
"Industrial activated sludge exhibit unique bacterial community composition at high taxonomic ranks" (2013) Ibarbalz, F.M.; Figuerola, E.L.M.; Erijman, L. Water Research. 47(11):3854-3864
"Direct and indirect effects of the glyphosate formulation Glifosato Atanor® on freshwater microbial communities" (2012) Vera, M.S.;Di Fiori, E.;Lagomarsino, L. (...)Pizarro, H. Ecotoxicology. 21(7):1805-1816
"Photochemical reaction mechanisms and kinetics with molecular nanocrystals: surface quenching of triplet benzophenone nanocrystals" (2010) Simoncelli, S.; Kuzmanich, G.; Gard, M.N.; Garcia-Garibay, M.A. Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry. 23(4):376-381
"Nutrient distributions over the Southwestern South Atlantic continental shelf from Mar del Plata (Argentina) to Itajaí (Brazil): Winter-summer aspects" (2008) Braga, E.S.;Chiozzini, V.C.;Berbel, G. (...)Eichler, B.B. Continental Shelf Research. 28(13):1649-1661
"Short-Term ecological implications of the diversion of a highly polluted lowland river: A case study" (2005) Maidana, N.I.; O'Farrell, I.; Lombardo, R.J.; Dos Santos Afonso, M. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 75(6):1176-1184
"Water pollution in an urban Argentine river" (2001) Magdaleno, A.;Puig, A.;De Cabo, L. (...)Moretton, J. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 67(3):408-415