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"Continuous assessment of carotid intima-media thickness applied to estimate a volumetric compliance using B-mode ultrasound sequences" (2015) Pascaner, A.F.;Craiem, D.;Casciaro, M.E. (...)Guevara, E. Physiological Measurement. 36(3):397-407
"Anteroposterior variation of the cell types in the interrenal gland of the male toad Rhinella arenarum (Amphibia, Anura)" (2013) Regueira, E.; Scaia, M.F.; Volonteri, M.C.; Ceballos, N.R. Journal of Morphology. 274(3):331-343
"Non invasive assessment of carotid and femoral arterial pressure using B-mode ultrasound diameter waveforms." (2012) Graf, S.; Craiem, D.; Armentano, R.L. Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference. 2012:5610-5613
"Integrated e-health approach based on vascular ultrasound and pulse wave analysis for asymptomatic atherosclerosis detection and cardiovascular risk stratification in the community" (2012) Santana, D.B.; Zócalo, Y.A.; Armentano, R.L. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine. 16(2):287-294
"Non invasive assessment of carotid and femoral arterial pressure using B-mode ultrasound diameter waveforms." (2012) Graf, S.; Craiem, D.; Armentano, R.L. Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference:5610-5613
"Dynamic infrared imaging of cutaneous melanoma and normal skin in patients treated with BNCT" (2009) Santa Cruz, G.A.;Bertotti, J.;Marín, J. (...)Liberman, S.J. Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 67(7-8 SUPPL):S54-S58
"New assessment of endothelium-dependent flow-mediated vasodilation to characterize endothelium dysfunction" (2008) Craiem, D.; Chironi, G.; Simon, A.; Levenson, J. American Journal of Therapeutics. 15(4):340-344
"Cryografts implantation in human circulation would ensure a physiological transition in the arterial wall energetics, damping and wave reflection" (2008) Santana Bia, D.;Barra, J.G.;Armentano, R.L. (...)Cabrera Fischer, E.I. Physiological Research. 57(3):351-363
"Ultrasonography in diagnosis and monitoring of dissection of cervicocerebral arteries " (2004) Lagos-Grinstein, R.;Fernández-Cisneros, L.;Murillo-Cabezas, F. (...)Ameriso-Martínez, S.F. Revista de Neurologia. 38(9):813-817
"Transcranial Doppler monitoring during head upright tilt table testing in patients with suspected neurocardiogenic syncope" (2004) Albina, G.;Fernandez Cisneros, L.;Laiño, R. (...)Ameriso, S.F. Europace. 6(1):63-69
"Effect of a gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist on luteinizing hormone receptors and steroidogenesis in ovarian cells" (1993) Guerrero, H.E.;Stein, P.;Asch, R.H. (...)Tesone, M. Fertility and Sterility. 59(4):803-809