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Energy management
"Cloud Computing for Smart Energy Management (CC-SEM Project)" (2019) Luján, E.;Otero, A.;Valenzuela, S. (...)Hernandez Callejo L. 1st Ibero-American Congress of Smart Cities, ICSC-CITIES 2018. 978:116-131
"GS100-02-41: A new large H i shell in the outer part of the galaxy" (2012) Suad, L.A.; Cichowolski, S.; Arnal, E.M.; Testori, J.C. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 538
"Preface" (2012) Marqué, C.; Nindos, A.; Van Driel-Gesztelyi, L.; Mandrini, C.H. Energy Storage and Release through the Solar Activity Cycle: Models Meet Radio Observations. 9781461444039:1-2
"Origin of the submillimeter radio emission during the time-extended phase of a solar flare" (2012) Trottet, G.;Raulin, J.-P.;Giménez De Castro, G. (...)Kaufmann, P. Energy Storage and Release through the Solar Activity Cycle: Models Meet Radio Observations. 9781461444039:33-55
"Energy decompositions according to physical space partitioning schemes" (2005) Alcoba, D.R.; Torre, A.; Lain, L.; Bochicchio, R.C. Journal of Chemical Physics. 122(7)