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Environmental variables
"Conifer plantations in grassland and subtropical forest: Does spider diversity respond different to edge effect?" (2018) Pinto, C.M.;Santoandré, S.;Zurita, G. (...)Filloy, J. Journal of Forest Research. 23(5):253-259
"Biogeography of Radiolaria Polycystina (Protista) in the World Ocean" (2016) Boltovskoy, D.; Correa, N. Progress in Oceanography. 149:82-105
"Climate change and glacier retreat drive shifts in an Antarctic benthic ecosystem" (2015) Sahade, R.;Lagger, C.;Torre, L. (...)Abele, D. Science Advances. 1(10)
"First Record and Larval Habitat Description of Culex (Melanoconion) pilosus from Buenos Aires Province, Argentina" (2015) Urcola, J.I.; Fischer, S. Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association. 31(3):271-274
"Ovitraps placed in dwellings and on public paved areas for Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) monitoring " (2013) Burroni, N.; Loetti, V.; Prunella, P.; Schweigmann, N. Revista Colombiana de Entomologia. 39(1):56-60
"Culex mosquitoes in temporary urban rain pools: Seasonal dynamics and relation to environmental variables" (2004) Fischer, S.; Schweigmann, N. Journal of Vector Ecology. 29(2):365-373
"Ribosomal DNA variation in the grasshopper, Dichroplus elongatus" (2002) Clemente, M.; Remis, M.I.; Vilardi, J.C. Genome. 45(6):1125-1133