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"Robust estimation in single-index models when the errors have a unimodal density with unknown nuisance parameter" (2019) Agostinelli, C.; Bianco, A.M.; Boente, G. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics
"Planets, candidates, and binaries from the CoRoT/Exoplanet programme: The CoRoT transit catalogue" (2018) Deleuil, M.;Aigrain, S.;Moutou, C. (...)Weingrill, J. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 619
"Thin film absorption characterization by focus error thermal lensing" (2017) Domené, E.A.;Schiltz, D.;Patel, D. (...)Menoni, C.S. Review of Scientific Instruments. 88(12)
"Robust estimators of accelerated failure time regression with generalized log-gamma errors" (2017) Agostinelli, C.; Locatelli, I.; Marazzi, A.; Yohai, V.J. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 107:92-106
"Robust estimation in partially linear errors-in-variables models" (2017) Bianco, A.M.; Spano, P.M. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 106:46-64
"Model selection: Using information measures from ordinal symbolic analysis to select model subgrid-scale parameterizations" (2017) Pulido, M.; Rosso, O.A. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 74(10):3253-3269
"Parameter estimation using ensemble-based data assimilation in the presence of model error" (2015) Ruiz, J.; Pulido, M. Monthly Weather Review. 143(5):1568-1582
"Bounding the relative errors associated with a complete Stokes polarimeter" (2014) Chironi, E.; Iemmi, C. Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision. 31(1):75-80
"Error distributions on large entangled states with non-Markovian dynamics" (2014) McCutcheon, D.P.S.; Lindner, N.H.; Rudolph, T. Physical Review Letters. 113(26)
"Bio-optical characteristics of the Patagonia Shelf break waters: Implications for ocean color algorithms" (2013) Ferreira, A.; Garcia, C.A.E.; Dogliotti, A.I.; Garcia, V.M.T. Remote Sensing of Environment. 136:416-432
"Verification of a Synthesized Method for the Calculation of Low-Level Climatological Wind Fields Using a Mesoscale Boundary-Layer Model" (2012) Berri, G.J.; Nuin, J.S.G.; Sraibman, L.; Bertossa, G. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 142(2):329-337
"Estimation of data errors for small-loop EM induction systems and how considering them improves 1D inversion results" (2012) Martinelli, H.P.; Robledo, F.E.; BRGM; et al.; INRA; IPGP; IRIS Instruments; Veolia Environment 18th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics of the Near Surface Geoscience Division of EAGE, Near Surface Geoscience 2012
"Evaluation of mesoscale convective systems in South America using multiple satellite products and an object-based approach" (2011) Demaria, E.M.C.;Rodriguez, D.A.;Ebert, E.E. (...)Valdes, J.B. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 116(8)
"Low-level wind field climatology over the La Plata River region obtained with a mesoscale atmospheric boundary layer model forced with local weather observations" (2010) Berri, G.J.; Sraibman, L.; Tanco, R.A.; Bertossa, G. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 49(6):1293-1305
"WRF model sensitivity to choice of parameterization over South America: Validation against surface variables" (2010) Ruiz, J.J.; Saulo, C.; Nogués-Paegle, J. Monthly Weather Review. 138(8):3342-3355
"Drying of solids: The infinite slab condition" (2000) Rovedo, C.O.; Viollaz, P.E. Drying Technology. 18(4-5):1007-1021
"Universal formulation for the N-body problem" (1996) Zadunaisky, P.E.; Giordano, C.M. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics. 19(4):921-928