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Linear systems
"A Block Solver for the Exponentially Fitted IIPG-0 Method" (2013) de Dios, B.A.;Lombardi, A.;Pietra, P. (...)Widlund O. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering. 91:239-246
"Convexity properties of the condition number II" (2012) Beltrán, C.; Dedieu, J.-P.; Malajovich, G.; Shub, M. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications. 33(3):905-939
"Linear solving for sign determination" (2011) Perrucci, D. Theoretical Computer Science. 412(35):4715-4720
"Forecasting the parameters of sunspot cycle 24 and beyond" (2009) de Jager, C.; Duhau, S. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. 71(2):239-245
"Incomplete oblique projections for solving large inconsistent linear systems" (2008) Scolnik, H.D.; Echebest, N.; Guardarucci, M.T.; Vacchino, M.C. Mathematical Programming. 111(1-2):273-300
"A class of optimized row projection methods for solving large nonsymmetric linear systems" (2002) Scolnik, H.; Echebest, N.; Guardarucci, M.T.; Vacchino, M.C. Applied Numerical Mathematics. 41(4):499-513
"Mathematical modelling of flow towards an oil well" (1999) Jacovkis, P.M.; Savioli, G.B.; Bidner, M.S. Proceedings of the 1998 4th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (IV WCCM). 46(9):1521-1540