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"Robust estimation in single-index models when the errors have a unimodal density with unknown nuisance parameter" (2019) Agostinelli, C.; Bianco, A.M.; Boente, G. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics
"Improved robustness of an ethanologenic yeast strain through adaptive evolution in acetic acid is associated with its enzymatic antioxidant ability" (2018) Gurdo, N.;Novelli Poisson, G.F.;Juárez, Á.B. (...)Galvagno, M.A. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 125(3):766-776
"Marginal integration M-estimators for additive models" (2017) Boente, G.; Martínez, A. Test. 26(2):231-260
"Host alkaloids differentially affect developmental stability and wing vein canalization in cactophilic Drosophila buzzatii" (2014) Padró, J.;Carreira, V.;Corio, C. (...)Soto, I.M. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 27(12):2781-2797
"Complex-linear invariants of biochemical networks" (2012) Karp, R.L.;Pérez Millán, M.;Dasgupta, T. (...)Gunawardena, J. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 311:130-138
"Robustness of the hypoxic response: Another job for miRNAs?" (2012) De Lella Ezcurra, A.L.; Bertolin, A.P.; Melani, M.; Wappner, P. Developmental Dynamics. 241(12):1842-1848
"Guaranteed and robust a posteriori error estimates for singularly perturbed reaction-diffusion problems" (2009) Cheddadi, I.; Fučík, R.; Prieto, M.I.; Vohralík, M. Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis. 43(5):867-888
"Propagation of outliers in multivariate data" (2009) Alqallaf, F.; Van Aelst, S.; Yohai, V.J.; Zamar, R.H. Annals of Statistics. 37(1):311-331
"Robust multivariate tolerance regions: Influence function and Monte Carlo study" (2008) Boente, G.; Farall, A. Technometrics. 50(4):487-500
"Robust multivariate tolerance regions: Influence function and Monte Carlo study" (2008) Boente, G.; Farall, A. Technometrics. 50(4):487-500
"Why nestedness in mutualistic networks?" (2007) Burgos, E.;Ceva, H.;Perazzo, R.P.J. (...)María Delbue, A. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 249(2):307-313
"A fast algorithm for S-regression estimates" (2006) Salibian-Barrera, M.; Yohai, V.J. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics. 15(2):414-427
"Simultaneous redescending M-estimates for regression and scale" (2000) Adrover, J.G.; Yohai, V.J. Communications in Statistics Part B: Simulation and Computation. 29(2):243-262
"Simultaneous redescending M-estimates for regression and scale" (2000) Adrover, J.G.; Yohai, V.J. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods. 29(2):243-262
"Locatton Estimators Based On Linear Combinations Of Modified Order Statistics" (1976) Yohai, V.J.; Maronna, R.A. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods. 5(5):481-486