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adenosine phosphate
"Role of 3'-5'-cyclic adenosine monophosphate on the epidermal growth factor dependent survival in mammary epithelial cells" (2016) Grinman, D.Y.;Romorini, L.;Presman, D.M. (...)Pecci, A. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 419:259-267
"Subcellular energy balance of Odontesthes bonariensis exposed to a glyphosate-based herbicide" (2015) Menéndez-Helman, R.J.; Miranda, L.A.; dos Santos Afonso, M.; Salibián, A. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 114:157-163
"Confined gold nanoparticles enhance the detection of small molecules in label-free impedance aptasensors" (2015) Peinetti, A.S.;Ceretti, H.;Mizrahi, M. (...)Battaglini, F. Nanoscale. 7(17):7763-7769
"Calmodulin and Ca2+-dependent cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase activity in Trypanosoma cruzi" (1985) Téllez-iñón, M.T.; Ulloa, R.M.; Torruella, M.; Torres, H.N. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology. 17(2):143-153
"Concentration and seasonal variations of purine bases, nucleotides and nucleotide-sugars in liver of Bufo arenarum. Comparison with early embryogenesis" (1976) Maggese, M.C.; Spaizmann, R.C.; De Recondo, M.E.F. Acta Physiologica Latino-Americana. 26(6):472-480