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Aedes albifasciatus
"Immature mosquitoes associated with Urban Parklands: Implications for water and mosquito management" (2013) Quiroga, L.; Fischer, S.; Schweigmann, N. Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association. 29(1):27-32
"Urban rain pools: Seasonal dynamics and entomofauna in a park of Buenos Aires" (2000) Fischer, S.;Marinone, M.C.;Fontanarrosa, M.S. (...)Schweigmann, N. Hydrobiologia. 441:45-53
"Effects of Flooding and Temperature on Aedes albifasciatus Development Time and Larval Density in Two Rain Pools at Buenos Aires University City" (2000) Fontanarrosa, M.S.;Marinone, M.C.;Fischer, S. (...)Schweigmann, N. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. 95(6):787-793
"Effects of Flooding and Temperature on Aedes albifasciatus Development Time and Larval Density in Two Rain Pools at Buenos Aires University City" (2000) Fontanarrosa, M.S.;Marinone, M.C.;Fischer, S. (...)Schweigmann, N. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. 95(6):787-793