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11 oxotestosterone
"Endocrine disruption of phenanthrene in the protogynous dusky grouper Epinephelus marginatus (Serranidae: Perciformes)" (2018) de Campos, M.F.; Lo Nostro, F.L.; Da Cuña, R.H.; Moreira, R.G. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 257:255-263
"Can estrogens be considered as key elements of the challenge hypothesis? The case of intrasexual aggression in a cichlid fish" (2018) Scaia, M.F.;Morandini, L.;Noguera, C. (...)Pandolfi, M. Physiology and Behavior. 194:481-490
"Reproductive and parental care physiology of Cichlasoma dimerus males" (2015) Birba, A.;Ramallo, M.R.;Lo Nostro, F. (...)Pandolfi, M. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 221:193-200
"The interrenal gland in males of the cichlid fish Cichlasoma dimerus: Relationship with stress and the establishment of social hierarchies" (2014) Morandini, L.;Honji, R.M.;Ramallo, M.R. (...)Pandolfi, M. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 195:88-98
"Dominance hierarchies and social status ascent opportunity: Anticipatory behavioral and physiological adjustments in a Neotropical cichlid fish" (2012) Alonso, F.; Honji, R.M.; Moreira, R.G.; Pandolfi, M. Physiology and Behavior. 106(5):612-618