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"A new cycad trunk from the Palaeocene in the Neuquén Basin, Patagonia (Argentina)" (2018) Martínez, L.C.A.; Ottone, E.G.; Artabe, A.E. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 256:1-12
"Antioxidant neolignans from Cordia americana" (2013) Fernández, L.R.;Cirigliano, A.;Fabani, M.P. (...)Sánchez, M. Planta Medica. 79(18):1724-1729
"Observation of leaf-cutting ants foraging on wild mushrooms" (2012) Lechner, B.E.; Josens, R. Insectes Sociaux. 59(2):285-288
"Pollution trends using bark of morus alba in the cities of Buenos Aires and Mendoza (Argentina) " (2010) Perelman, P.; Faggi, A.; Castro, M.; Carretero, E.M. Revista Arvore. 34(3):505-511
"Micromycetes on bark and wood of Podocarpus parlatorei (Podocarpaceae) from Argentina " (2010) Catania, M.V.; Romero, A.I. Darwiniana. 48(2):123-140
"Interaction between Epicoccum purpurascens and xylophagous basidiomycetes on wood blocks" (2007) Mielnichuk, N.; Lopez, S.E. Forest Pathology. 37(4):236-242
"Bark anatomy of three indigenous conifers from southern South America" (2006) Castro, M.A.; Apóstolo, N.M.; Navarro, L.E. Australian Journal of Botany. 54(1):73-82
"Bark anatomy of Nothofagus species (Nothofagaceae) indigenous to the Andean-Patagonian forest, Argentina" (2005) Castro, M.A.; Apóstolo, N.M.; De Magistris, A.A. Australian Journal of Botany. 53(1):69-79