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This paper describes the effect of parameterization on the NWP/CIMA model. The main features of the model are that it is formulated in terms of the primitive equations and that physical processes such as surface fluxes of momentum, heat and moisture, large scale and convective precipitation, and a surface temperature diurnal cycle have been included. The parameterizations used in the model were tested on a wide variety of case studies for the southern region of South America. An example a cyclogenesis over Buenos Aires that developed into a dipole of high - low pressure is described here. The results show that vertical diffusion is the main responsible for the changes in temperature, geopotential heights and precipitation. The first two variables are also affected by large scale condensation.


Documento: Artículo
Título:The effect of the parameterization model on a regional forecast
Autor:Cerne, B.; Possia, N.; Nuñez, M.
Filiación:Depto. de Cie. de la Atmosfera, Ctro. Invest. Mar Atmosfera (CIMA), CONICET/UBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palabras clave:climate modeling; forecasting method; parameterization; regional climate; South America
Página de inicio:173
Página de fin:188
Título revista:Atmosfera
Título revista abreviado:Atmosfera


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---------- APA ----------
Cerne, B., Possia, N. & Nuñez, M. (1999) . The effect of the parameterization model on a regional forecast. Atmosfera, 12(3), 173-188.
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---------- CHICAGO ----------
Cerne, B., Possia, N., Nuñez, M. "The effect of the parameterization model on a regional forecast" . Atmosfera 12, no. 3 (1999) : 173-188.
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---------- MLA ----------
Cerne, B., Possia, N., Nuñez, M. "The effect of the parameterization model on a regional forecast" . Atmosfera, vol. 12, no. 3, 1999, pp. 173-188.
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---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Cerne, B., Possia, N., Nuñez, M. The effect of the parameterization model on a regional forecast. Atmosfera. 1999;12(3):173-188.
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