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Codes (symbols)
"Formal specification and implementation of an automated pattern-based parallel-code generation framework" (2017) Pérez, G.; Yovine, S. International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer:1-20
"Design of a smart lock on the galileo board" (2017) Presso, M.;Scafati, D.;Marone, J. (...)Maximiliano A. 8th Argentine Symposium and Conference on Embedded Systems, CASE 2017
"Hidden Structural Codes in Protein Intrinsic Disorder" (2017) Borkosky, S.S.;Camporeale, G.;Chemes, L.B. (...)De Prat Gay, G. Biochemistry. 56(41):5560-5569
"On verifying resource contracts using code contracts" (2014) Castaño, R.;Garbervetsky, D.;Tapicer, J. (...)Aguirre N. 1st Latin American Workshop on Formal Methods, LAFM 2013. 139:1-15
"Low dimensional dynamics in birdsong production" (2014) Amador, A.; Mindlin, G.B. European Physical Journal B. 87(12)
"Origin of superparamagnetic particles in Argiudolls developed on loess, Buenos Aires (Argentina)" (2009) Vasquez, C.A.; Orgeira, M.J.; Sinito, A.M. Environmental Geology. 56(8):1653-1661
"Hard x-ray source for flash radiography based on a 2.5 kJ plasma focus" (2007) Di Lorenzo, F.;Raspa, V.;Knoblauch, P. (...)Clausse, A. Journal of Applied Physics. 102(3)
"Foundations and applications for secure triggers" (2006) Futoransky, A.; Kargieman, E.; Sarraute, C.; Waissbein, A. ACM Transactions on Information and System Security. 9(1):94-112
"Classification and prediction of wavelet coefficients for lossless compression of landsat images" (2006) Acevedo, D.; Ruedin, A. Satellite Data Compression, Communications, and Archiving II. 6300
"Numerical simulations of the current channeling effect on MT responses due to shallow conductive structures" (2003) Chao, G.; Osella, A. Journal of Applied Geophysics. 52(2-3):123-137
"Reconfiguration of software architecture styles with name mobility" (2000) Hirsch, D.;Inverardi, P.;Montanari, U. (...)Roman G.-C. 4th International Conference on Coordination Languages and Models, COORDINATION 2000. 1906:148-163