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Chemical stability
"Thermal transitions and enthalpic relaxations as related to the stability of microencapsulated paprika powders" (2019) Porras-Saavedra, J.;Favre, L.C.;Alamilla-Beltrán, L. (...)Buera, M.D.P. Journal of Food Engineering. 245:88-95
"Effect of xantham gum, steviosides, clove, and cinnamon essential oils on the sensory and microbiological quality of a low sugar tomato jam" (2016) Gliemmo, M.F.;Montagnani, M.A.;Schelegueda, L.I. (...)Campos, C.A. Food Science and Technology International. 22(2):122-131
"Stability, redox parameters and electrocatalytic activity of a cytochrome domain from a new subfamily" (2015) Molinas, M.F.; Benavides, L.; Castro, M.A.; Murgida, D.H. Bioelectrochemistry. 105:25-33
"Structures and Properties of Ordered Nanostructured Oxides and Composite Materials" (2015) Martínez Ricci, M.L.; Bilmes, S.A. The Sol-Gel Handbook. 2-3:1031-1054
"Silica-alginate-fungi biocomposites for remediation of polluted water" (2010) Perullini, M.;Jobbágy, M.;Mouso, N. (...)Bilmes, S.A. Journal of Materials Chemistry. 20(31):6479-6483
"Stability studies of alprazolam tablets: Effects of chemical interactions with some excipients in pharmaceutical solid preparations" (2009) Castarieda, B.; Ortiz-Cala, W.; Gallardo-Cabrera, C.; Nudelman, N.S. Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry. 22(9):807-814
"Novel Au-Ag hybrid device for electrochemical SE(R)R spectroscopy in a wide potential and spectral range" (2009) Feng, J.-J.;Gernert, U.;Sezer, M. (...)Weidinger, I.M. Nano Letters. 9(1):298-303
"Synthesis of non-glycosidic 4,6′-thioether-linked disaccharides as hydrolytically stable glycomimetics" (2007) Uhrig, M.L.; Szilágyi, L.; Kövér, K.E.; Varela, O. Carbohydrate Research. 342(12-13):1841-1849