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Conductive materials
"Anisotropic magnetoresistivity in structured elastomer composites: Modelling and experiments" (2016) Mietta, J.L.; Tamborenea, P.I.; Martin Negri, R. Soft Matter. 12(30):6430-6441
"Structured elastomeric submillimeter films displaying magneto and piezo resistivity" (2015) Ruiz, M.M.;Claudia Marchi, M.;Perez, O.E. (...)Martín Negri, R. Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics. 53(8):574-586
"Exact zero-point interaction energy between cylinders" (2006) Mazzitelli, F.D.; Dalvit, D.A.R.; Lombardo, F.C. New Journal of Physics. 8
"Potential and film thickness dependence of the photoluminescence of aryl amine polymers" (2004) Antonel, P.S.; Andrade, E.M.; Molina, F.V. Electrochimica Acta. 49(22-23 SPEC ISS):3687-3692
"Novel synthetic methods to produce functionalized conducting polymers I. Polyanilines" (2004) Barbero, C.;Salavagione, H.J.;Acevedo, D.F. (...)Miras, M.C. Electrochimica Acta. 49(22-23 SPEC ISS):3671-3686
"Polarization conversion from highly conducting, asymmetric trapezoidal gratings" (2003) Depine, R.A.; Inchaussandague, M.E. Applied Optics. 42(19):3742-3744
"Dielectric breakdown model for composite materials" (2003) Peruani, F.;Solovey, G.;Irurzun, I.M. (...)Vicente, J.L. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 67(6 2):066121-1-066121-6
"Modal method for scattering by arbitrarily shaped multivalued surfaces" (1998) Skigin, D.C.; Depine, R.A. Journal of Modern Optics. 45(9):1821-1843
"Ray tracing vs. electromagnetic methods in the analysis of antireflective textured surfaces: A first approach" (1998) Plá, J.C.; Durán, J.C.; Skigin, D.C.; Depine, R.A. Optik (Jena). 107(4):141-144
"Scattering from metallic surfaces having a finite number of rectangular grooves" (1994) Depine, R.A.; Skigin, D.C. Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision. 11(11):2844-2850
"Characterization of highly conducting wire gratings using an electromagnetic theory of diffraction" (1993) Lochbihler, H.; Depine, R.A. Optics Communications. 100(1-4):231-239