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Conformal Field Models in String Theory
"On non-homogeneous tachyon condensation in closed string theory" (2017) Giribet, G.; Rado, L. Journal of High Energy Physics. 2017(8)
"Stringy horizons and generalized FZZ duality in perturbation theory" (2017) Giribet, G. Journal of High Energy Physics. 2017(2)
"Spectral flow and conformal blocks in AdS3" (2015) Cagnacci, Y.; Iguri, S.M. Journal of High Energy Physics. 2015(9)
"Worldsheet four-point functions in AdS3/CFT2" (2011) Cardona, C.A.; Kirsch, I. Journal of High Energy Physics. 2011(1)
"Disk one-point function for a family of non-rational conformal theories" (2010) Babaro, J.P.; Giribet, G. Journal of High Energy Physics. 2010(9)
"Winding strings in AdS3" (2006) Herscovich, E.; Minces, P.; Núnez, C. Journal of High Energy Physics. 2006(6)
"Free field realization of superstring theory on AdS 3" (2004) Hofman, D.M.; Núñz, C.A. Journal of High Energy Physics. 8(7):391-428
"On solvable models of type-IIB superstring in NS-NS and R-R plane wave backgrounds" (2002) Russo, J.G.; Tseytlin, A.A. Journal of High Energy Physics. 6(4):455-486
"The decay of massive closed superstrings with maximum angular momentum" (2002) Lengo, R.; Russo, J.G. Journal of High Energy Physics. 6(11):937-954
"Supersymmetric fluxbrane intersections and closed string tachyons" (2001) Russo, J.G.; Tseytlin, A.A. Journal of High Energy Physics. 5(11):1-24
"Correlators in ads3 string theory" (2001) Giribet, G.; Núñez, C. Journal of High Energy Physics. 5(6):1-26
"Aspects of the free field description of string theory on AdS3" (2000) Giribet, G.; Núñez, C. Journal of High Energy Physics. 4(6):1-25
"Interacting strings on AdS3" (1999) Giribet, G.; Núñez, C.A. Journal of High Energy Physics. 3(11):XXXXI-21