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Dynamic mechanical analysis
"About the endothermal transitions of galactomannans: A multi-analytical DSC, LF- 1 H NMR and DMA study" (2019) Busch, V.M.;Santagapita, P.R.;Díaz-Calderón, P. (...)Buera, M.P. Carbohydrate Polymers. 211:31-38
"About the endothermal transitions of galactomannans: A multi-analytical DSC, LF- 1 H NMR and DMA study" (2019) Busch, V.M.;Santagapita, P.R.;Díaz-Calderón, P. (...)Buera, M.P. Carbohydrate Polymers. 211:31-38
"Dynamic mechanical analysis of particulate-filled epoxy resin" (2003) Goyanes, S.N.; König, P.G.; Marconi, J.D. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 88(4):883-892