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adrenal gland
"Lifelong Aerobic Exercise Reduces the Stress Response in Rats" (2018) Pietrelli, A.;Di Nardo, M.;Masucci, A. (...)Matkovic, L. Neuroscience. 376:94-107
"Role of CREB on heme oxygenase-1 induction in adrenal cells: Involvement of the PI3K pathway" (2016) Astort, F.;Repetto, E.M.;Rocha-Viegas, L. (...)Cymeryng, C.B. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology. 57(2):113-124
"Nitric oxide sets off an antioxidant response in adrenal cells: Involvement of sGC and Nrf2 in HO-1 induction" (2014) Astort, F.;Mercau, M.;Giordanino, E. (...)Cymeryng, C.B. Nitric Oxide - Biology and Chemistry. 37(1):1-10
"Hexachlorobenzene as hormonal disruptor-studies about glucocorticoids: Their hepatic receptors, adrenal synthesis and plasma levels in relation to impaired gluconeogenesis" (2007) Lelli, S.M.;Ceballos, N.R.;Mazzetti, M.B. (...)San Martín de Viale, L.C. Biochemical Pharmacology. 73(6):873-879
"Rapid recovery of releasable vesicles and formation of nonreleasable endosomes follow intense exocytosis in chromaffin cells" (2007) Bay, A.E.P.; Ibañez, L.I.; Marengo, F.D. American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology. 293(5):C1509-C1522
"Estrogens and neuroendocrine hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function" (2006) De Nicola, A.F.;Saravia, F.E.;Beauquis, J. (...)Bronstein M. Frontiers of Hormone Research. 35:157-168
"Adrenal gland involvement in the regulation of renal 11 β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2" (2004) Zallocchi, M.L.; Matkovic, L.; Calvo, J.C.; Damasco, M.C. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. 92(3):591-602
"Adrenal gland involvement in the regulation of renal 11 β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2" (2004) Zallocchi, M.L.; Matkovic, L.; Calvo, J.C.; Damasco, M.C. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. 92(3):591-602
"Adrenal 11-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity in response to stress" (2004) Zallocchi, M.; Matković, L.; Damasco, M.C. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. 82(6):422-425
"Effects of the porphyrinogenic compounds hexachlorobenzene and 3,5-diethoxycarbonyl-1,4-dihydrocollidine on polyamine metabolism" (2002) Cochón, A.C.; González, N.; San Martín De Viale, L.C. Toxicology. 176(3):209-219
"Classical and nonclassical 21-hydroxylase deficiency: A molecular study of Argentine patients" (2002) Dain, L.B.;Buzzalino, N.D.;Oneto, A. (...)Alba, L.G. Clinical Endocrinology. 56(2):239-245
"Mechanisms of action of endothelin-i in rat adrenal" (1998) Pecci, A.; Romero, D.G.; Lantos, C.P.; Cozza, E.N. Life Sciences. 63(15):1315-1328
"Regulation of the 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in the rat adrenal: Decrease enzymatic activity induced by ACTH" (1997) Morita, H.;Cozza, E.N.;Zhou, M.-Y. (...)Gomez-Sanchez, C.E. Endocrine. 7(3):331-335
"Heme availability affects corticosterone and aldosterone biosynthesis in rat adrenal" (1997) Martini, C.N.;De Avalos, S.G.V.;Romero, D.G. (...)Vila, M.D.C. Steroids. 62(12):767-770
"Cloning of two alternatively spliced 21-hydroxylase CDNAs from rat adrenal" (1997) Zhou, M.-Y.; Del Carmen Vila, M.; Gomez-Sanchez, E.P.; Gomez-Sanchez, C.E. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 62(4):277-286
"Regulatory effects of 5β-reduced steroids" (1991) Aragonés, A.; Gonzalez, C.B.; Spinedi, N.C.; Lantos, C.P. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 39(2):253-263
"Effects of ACTH on the last step of aldosterone biosynthesis" (1989) Cozza, E.N.; Ceballos, N.R.; Lantos, C.P. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry. 33(6):1253-1255
"Convertibility of a saponifiable lipoidal derivative of 18-hydroxycorticosterone" (1987) Cozza, E.N.; Ceballos, N.R.; del Carmen Vila, M.; Lantos, C.P. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry. 28(5):543-547
"Regulatory factors of glucocorticoid binding in early and term rat placenta" (1986) Heller, C.L.; Ortí, E.; De Nicola, A.F. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry. 25(1):53-58
"Effect of median eminence lesions and hormonal replacement on the prolactin receptors in the adrenal Gland and langerhans islets from ovariectomized adult rats" (1985) Lüthy, I.A.;Tesone, M.;Oliveira-Filho, R.M. (...)Calandra, R.S. Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction. 5(1):105-119
"In vivo secretion of 3α-hydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one, a potent anaesthetic steroid, by the adrenal gland of the rat" (1985) Holzbauer, M.; Birmingham, M.K.; de Nicola, A.F.; Oliver, J.T. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry. 22(1):97-102
"Eighteen-deoxyaldosterone and other less polar forms of 18-hydroxycorticosterone as aldosterone precursors in rat adrenals" (1985) Cozza, E.N.;Burton, G.;Ceballos, N.R. (...)Scott, A.I. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry. 22(5):665-672
"A highly lipophilic form of aldosterone. isolation and characterization of an aldosterone dimer" (1985) Cozza, E.N.; Lantos, C.P.; Burton, G. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry. 23(4):511-516
"Effects of prolactin, bromocriptine and sulpiride on estrogen and lactogenic receptors in the rat adrenal gland" (1984) Luthy, I.A.; Chiauzzi, V.A.; Charreau, E.H.; Calandra, R.S. Acta Physiologica et Pharmacologica Latinoamericana. 34(1):15-23
"Ontogeny of the sex steroid and prolactin receptors in the male rat adrenal gland" (1984) Lüthy, I.A.; Calandra, R.S. Experientia. 40(9):1002-1004
"Ontogeny of the sex steroid and prolactin receptors in the male rat adrenal gland" (1984) Lüthy, I.A.; Calandra, R.S. Experientia. 40(9):1002-1004
"Production of steroid hormone and cyclic AMP in hybrids of adrenal and Leydig cells generated by electrofusion" (1984) Podesta, E.J.; Solano, A.R.; Molina Vedia, Y.L. European Journal of Biochemistry. 145(2):329-332
"Progesterone and its reductive metabolism in steroidogenic tissues of the developing hen embryo" (1983) Gonzalez, C.B.;Cozza, E.N.;De Bedners, M.E.O. (...)Aragones, A. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 51(3):384-393
"Prolactin regulation of prolactin binding sites in pancreatic islets and adrenal glands of ovariectomized rats" (1983) Tesone, M.; Luthy, I.A.; Ladenheim, R.G. Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction. 3(6):711-726
"Effects of experimental diabetes on the concentration of corticosterone in central nervous system, serum and adrenal glands" (1981) Tornello, S.; Coirini, H.; De Nicola, A.F. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry. 14(12):1279-1284
"Specific prolactin binding in the rat adrenal gland: Its characterization and hormonal regulation" (1981) Calvo, J.C.;Finocchiaro, L.;Luthy, I. (...)Hansson, V. Journal of Endocrinology. 89(2):317-325
"Influence of sex and gonadectomy on sex steroid receptors in rat adrenal gland" (1980) Calandra, R.S.; Lüthy, I.; Finocchiaro, L.; Terrab, R. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry. 13(11):1331-1335
"Nuclear steroid binding in rat adrenal gland" (1979) Calandra, R.S.; Finocchiaro, L.M.E.; Luthy, I.A.; Cheb Terrab, R. Acta Physiologica Latino-Americana. 29(6):333-336
"Effects of ACTH and diabetes on phospholipid metabolism in adrenal mitochondria" (1977) De Nicola, A.F.; Fridman, O.; Foglia, V.G. Experientia. 33(7):974-975
"Spontaneous conversions to aldosterone" (1976) Aragones, A.; Lantos, C.P.; Locascio, G.A. Acta Physiologica Latino-Americana. 26(5):277-282
"Metabolism of [3H]-testosterone by the adranal of the dog: The action of acth" (1973) Wassermann, G.F.; Baldi, A.; del Castillo, E.; Charreau, E. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry. 4(2):217-226