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"Hypothalamic POMC deficiency improves glucose tolerance despite insulin resistance by increasing Glycosuria" (2016) Chhabra, K.H.;Adams, J.M.;Fagel, B. (...)Low, M.J. Diabetes. 65(3):660-672
"Tianeptine influence on plasmatic catecholamine levels and anxiety index in rats under variable chronic stress after early maternal separation" (2009) Trujillo, V.; Masseroni, M.L.; Levin, G.; Surez, M.M. International Journal of Neuroscience. 119(8):1210-1227
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"Sex differences in rats: Effects of chronic stress on sympathetic system and anxiety" (2005) Renard, G.M.; Suárez, M.M.; Levin, G.M.; Rivarola, M.A. Physiology and Behavior. 85(3):363-369
"Adrenal 11-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity in response to stress" (2004) Zallocchi, M.; Matković, L.; Damasco, M.C. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. 82(6):422-425
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"α2-adrenergic effect on human breast cancer MCF-7 cells" (1999) Vázquez, S.M.; Pignataro, O.; Luthy, I.A. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. 55(1):41-49
"24 Hour changes in catecholamine content of rat thyroid and submaxillary glands" (1988) Barontini, M.; Romeo, H.E.; Armando, I.; Cardinali, D.P. Journal of Neural Transmission. 71(3):189-194
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"Rat's vessel wall generates an antiaggregatory substance independent of prostacyclin production" (1985) Schattner, M.A.; Gimeno, M.; Lazzari, M.A. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Medicine. 19(3):251-260
"Dihydroergocryptine binding sites in bovine and rat pineal glands" (1980) Vacas, M.I.; Lowenstein, P.R.; Cardinali, D.P. Journal of the Autonomic Nervous System. 2(4):305-313
"Central and peripheric mechanism of hypotension produced by dl-propranolol in the dog " (1978) Cicardo, V.H. Acta Physiologica Latino-Americana. 28(6):235-242